Advent of Code Day 24

In [2]:
def readfile(input_name):
    with open(input_name) as input_file:
In [4]:
input24 = readfile("AoC/input24.txt")
In [40]:
def n(grid):
    return "".join(["".join(x) for x in grid])

def life(input24):
    grid = [[x for x in line] for line in input24.split("\n")]

    seen_grids = set()

    while True:
        next_grid = []
        for i in range(5):
            next_grid.append(['.'] * 5)

        for y in range(5):
            for x in range(5):
                neighbours = 0
                for yy, xx in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]:
                    bug = False
                    if y + yy >= 0 and y + yy <= 4 and x + xx >= 0 and x + xx <= 4:
                        bug = grid[y + yy][x + xx] == '#' 

                    if bug:
                        neighbours += 1 

                if grid[y][x] == '#' and neighbours == 1:
                    next_grid[y][x] = '#'
                elif grid[y][x] == '.' and (neighbours == 1 or neighbours == 2):
                    next_grid[y][x] = '#'

        nng = n(next_grid)
        for y in next_grid:
            for x in y:
                print(x, end="")
        if nng in seen_grids:
            return nng

        grid = next_grid

def cost(s):
    total = 0
    for i, x in enumerate(s):
        if x == '#':
            total += pow(2, i)
    return total
# cost(life("""....#
# #..#.
# #..##
# ..#..
# #...."""))














































In [64]:
def list_neighbours(x, y, z):
    ns = []
    for xx, yy in [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]:
        xxx = xx + x
        yyy = yy + y

        handled = False
        if xxx < 0 or xxx > 4:
            ns.append((2 + xx, 2, z + 1))
            handled = True

        if yyy < 0 or yyy > 4:
            ns.append((2, 2 + yy, z + 1))
            handled = True

        if xxx == 2 and yyy == 2:
            ns.extend((k if xx == 0 else (0 if xx == 1 else 4), k if yy == 0 else (0 if yy == 1 else 4),  z - 1) for k in range(5))
            handled = True

        if not handled:
            ns.append((xxx, yyy, z))
    return ns

def life2(input24):
    start_grid = [[x for x in line] for line in input24.split("\n")]
    grid = {}
    for j, y in enumerate(start_grid):
        for i, x in enumerate(y):
            if i == 2 and j == 2:

            grid[(i, j, 0)] = x

    start_level = -1
    end_level = 1

    minutes = 0
    while minutes < 200:
        print(".", end="")
        minutes += 1

        next_grid = {}
        for z in range(start_level, end_level + 1):
            for y in range(5):
                for x in range(5):
                    if x == 2 and y == 2:

                    neighbours = 0

                    for n in list_neighbours(x, y, z):
                        if grid.get(n, '.') == '#':
                            neighbours += 1

                    condition = grid.get((x, y, z), '.') == '#' and neighbours == 1
                    condition = condition or grid.get((x, y, z), '.') == '.' and (neighbours == 1 or neighbours == 2)
                    if condition:
                        next_grid[(x, y, z)] = '#'
                        if z - 1 < start_level:
                            start_level = z - 1
                        if z + 1 > end_level:
                            end_level = z + 1
                        next_grid[(x, y, z)] = '.'
        grid = next_grid

    return sum(1 for v in grid.values() if v == '#')
