Advent of Code Day 22

In [1]:
def readfile(input_name):
    with open(input_name) as input_file:
In [2]:
input22 = readfile("AoC/input22.txt")
In [3]:
testinput = """deal into new stack
cut -2
deal with increment 7
cut 8
cut -4
deal with increment 7
cut 3
deal with increment 9
deal with increment 3
cut -1"""
In [4]:
def deal_incr(incr, stack):
    nextstack = stack[:]
    l = len(stack)
    for i in range(len(stack)):
        nextstack[(incr * i) % l] = stack[i]
    return nextstack

def deal_new(stack):
    return stack[::-1]

def cut(n, stack):
    return stack[n:] + stack[:n]

def deal(size, inp):
    stack = list(range(size))

    for line in inp.split("\n"):
        # print(stack)
        # print(line)

        if line.startswith("deal with increment"):
            stack = deal_incr(int(line.split(" ")[-1]), stack)
        elif line.startswith("cut"):
            stack = cut(int(line.split(" ")[-1]), stack)
        elif line.startswith("deal into new stack"):
            stack = deal_new(stack)
    return stack

# res = deal(10007, input22)
# print(res[2020])
# print("result")
# for i, val in enumerate(res):
#     if val == 2019:
#         print(i)
# res[2020]
In [5]:
easy = """deal with increment 7
deal with increment 9
cut -2"""
In [6]:
# easy = """deal with increment 3"""

def move_incr(incr, size, posn):
    k = 0
    act = (size * k + posn) / incr 
    while act < size:
        act = (size * k + posn) / incr 
        integer = (size * k + posn) // incr 
        if act == integer:
            return integer

        k += 1

def deal2(size, posn, inp):
    orig_posn = posn

    inp = inp.split("\n")

    result = 0
    expected_result = None

    i = 0 
    while i == 0 or orig_posn != 2020:
        for line in inp:
            if line.startswith("deal with increment"):
                x = int(line.split(" ")[-1])
                orig_posn = move_incr(x, size, orig_posn)
            elif line.startswith("cut"):
                x = int(line.split(" ")[-1])
                orig_posn = (orig_posn + x) % size
            elif line.startswith("deal into new stack"):
                orig_posn = size - orig_posn - 1

        i += 1

    return orig_posn, i

def deal3(size, posn, inp, reps):
    orig_posn = posn

    inp = inp.split("\n")

    result = 0
    expected_result = None

    i = 0 
    while i < reps:

        for line in inp:
            if line.startswith("deal with increment"):
                x = int(line.split(" ")[-1])
                orig_posn = move_incr(x, size, orig_posn)
            elif line.startswith("cut"):
                x = int(line.split(" ")[-1])
                orig_posn = (orig_posn + x) % size
            elif line.startswith("deal into new stack"):
                orig_posn = size - orig_posn - 1

        i += 1

    return orig_posn

# deal2(119315717514047, 2020, input22)
# deal3(119315717514047, 2020, input22, 100) # 101741582076661)
# deal3(10007, 3, input22, 100) # 101741582076661)
In [7]:
def symbolic(size, inp):
    inp = inp.split("\n")
    val = (1, 0) # x + 0

    for line in inp:
        if line.startswith("deal with increment"):
            x = int(line.split(" ")[-1])
            val = (val[0] * x, val[1] * x)
        elif line.startswith("cut"):
            x = int(line.split(" ")[-1])
            val = (val[0], val[1] - x)
        elif line.startswith("deal into new stack"):
            val = (-val[0], size - 1 - val[1])

    return val[0] % size, val[1] % size

def apply(res, x, size):
    return (res[0] * x + res[1]) % size

def point(size, inp, posn):
    res = symbolic(size, inp)
    print(f"({res[0]}x + ({res[1]})) % {size}")
    return (res[0] * posn + res[1]) % size

easy = """deal with increment 7
deal with increment 9
cut -2"""
med = """deal into new stack
cut -2
deal with increment 7
cut 8
cut -4
deal with increment 7
cut 3
deal with increment 9
deal with increment 3
cut -1"""

neweasy = "deal into new stack"

size = 10007
eqn = symbolic(size, input22)
res = deal(size, input22)
for i in range(10):
    pt = apply(eqn, i, size)
    print(pt, i, res[pt], i == res[pt])
(6377, 7785)
7785 0 0 True
4155 1 1 True
525 2 2 True
6902 3 3 True
3272 4 4 True
9649 5 5 True
6019 6 6 True
2389 7 7 True
8766 8 8 True
5136 9 9 True
In [9]:
def invert(eqn, posn, size):
    k = 0
    while k < size:
        num = (posn + k * size - eqn[1])
        den = eqn[0]
        if num // den == num / den:
            return num // den

        k += 1
    assert False

size2 = 119315717514047
eqn = symbolic(size2, input22)
i = 100
pos = 2020
# while i >= 0:

# pos = invert(eqn, pos, size2)
(2220204964869, 51399895659261)
In [60]:
times2 = 101741582076661
size2 = 119315717514047
eqn = symbolic(size2, input22)

def gcde(a, b):
    if a == 0: 
        return 0, 1, b
    x1, y1, gcd = gcde(b % a, a)
    return y1 - (b // a) * x1, x1, gcd

def inverse(b, m):
    x, y, g =  gcde(b, m)
    assert g == 1
    return x

def ntheqn(eqn, n, size):
    xcoeff = pow(eqn[0], n, size) % size
    ycoeff = eqn[1]
    ycoeff *= (pow(eqn[0], n, size) - 1) * inverse(eqn[0] - 1, size)
    ycoeff %= size
    return (xcoeff, ycoeff)

neqn = ntheqn(eqn, times2, size2)
(2220204964869, 51399895659261)
(118927380295524, 9290856136457)
In [66]:
inverse(neqn[0], size2) * (2020 - neqn[1]) % size2
In [ ]: