Building a binary for Android
Often enough, I'd like to write and run some simple native code on my phone as a test. The simplest way is to just create a new project with Android Studio, but that occasionally seems a bit too heavy for my purposes.
This post describes a reasonably simple alternative that's not tied to a specific IDE, running gradle or forcibly deploying an appliction (except for Android N+).
Assuming that $PROJECT
is the parent directory.
- documentation
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wall LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -g LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := bionic # Name the binary LOCAL_MODULE := somebinary # List out source files here LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../main.c include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)
- documentation
APP_MODULES := somebinary APP_OPTIM := release APP_PLATFORM := android-15 APP_PIE := true APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argv, char** argc) { printf("Hello, Android!"); return 0; }
(Optional) $PROJECT/
I like to have a simple shell file that I can trigger to execute the
app for me - which I use as the emacs M-x compile
#!/bin/zsh set -e alias adb=/opt/android_sdk/platform-tools/adb echo "Building..." /opt/android_ndk/android-ndk-r13b/ndk-build echo "Push..." adb push libs/armeabi-v7a/somebinary /data/local/tmp/ echo "Run...\n" adb shell /data/local/tmp/somebinary
- documentation
This is a helpful wrapper script that runs the appropriate cross
compilers, greatly simplifying the makefiles here. The only annoying
side effect is the need to store everything in a jni
folder, which I'm
sure is configurable in a way I haven't quite found yet.